
No gods. The fedi doesn't need influencers.

When I joined the fediverse there was one thing that I thought was wonderful. Everyone was as important as the next person, there was no celebrity, there was no InFlUeNcEr. Sure, there’s Linus Torvalds on the fedi but even in his case it’s not like there’s a cult of personality around the guy. Lately I noticed something that made me sad, there suddenly is a cult of personality. I won’t mention specific names, I don’t like doing that publicly, I will just say this clearly among friends, but I have noticed there’s someone who has a large following.


We have a mumble server, it doesn’t tend to be overcrowded and we’re a bunch of raccoons fighting over trash in here, so be prepared for that. If you don’t know what mumble is I’ll enlighten you, it’s a voice chat server, like team speak. Aaaand you don’t know what team speak is either. Imagine this, you log in and on the right you have a list of channels with the users in them.

Da rules! AKA The rules of our fediverse instance and mumble server

So you want to interact with the fedi through us or interact with us We are a pretty chill instance, we do have some simple rules though. If you are a smart enough person our rules can be summed up with “use your common sense.” We think pedophilia isn’t very cash money. Homophobia is wack. Transphobia is lame. Guilt by association is silly. Respecting people who have mental issues is lit.


FUCK DISCORD Why? Because discord is a terrible company. Now, here’s where some of my friends disagree: I honestly think discord works outstandingly well. Screen share is close to latency free and the quality isn’t bad either even without dIsCoRd NiTrO. It sucks to give up using it and finding a replacement isn’t easy if you want to cover all the features discord offers, you might have to use multple different programs to cover what discord does and even then you might still miss the screen share feature, at least as efficiently as discord does it.


Fuck mainstream social media Why? Because mainstream social networks are evil, they don’t respect you, your privacy and your data, furthermore your data is not only not respected but also used for their own profit. Everything you post is content that attracts users that will see their ads which will fatten their pockets, you are working for them. For free. Not only for free, they ever make even more money out of you by selling your data.

The bad space is bad

We’re not gonna take anymore I use this as a title because Dee Snider is a huge influence on my opinion on similar topics. So, what is the bad space? Or fediblock? Or olphant? From now on whenever I say badspace assume I’m talking about all of those as a concept. It’s meant to be a list of instances that are, for one reason or another, bad. The reasons may be from something like poor moderation to things like racism.